Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Epic Journey Home - Part Four

So there I am trapped in a hotel room with a lunatic. I no longer feel safe with him. I think he is a danger to himself too. It was at this moment of stale mate that Fishy texted me that she was up and wanted coffee. What about me? It was 6:30 am. My instant response was, "what room are you in?". As soon as she responded I grabbed my key card and fled the room. I showed up at Fishy's door in my pajamas and probably looking a little haggard. Though we had never met before she welcomed me into her room, had me sit, and listened as I poured out what had been happening to me the last four days. She reassured me that I was not over reacting, that his behaviour was unacceptable, and that she was pretty sure she had room in her van for me. I was shocked at how readily she welcomed me into her life and vehicle. She didn't know me at all. Being disabled herself also meant that she had her own special needs to worry about. And here she was taking on me and my problems. My hero! In that moment I knew it would be alright and I could relax finally.

My mind made up, I returned to the room, told him we were separating, that since he didn't feel safe with me anymore, that I would go my own way. I followed him down to the car, grabbing a bellhop along the way. I explained I was kicking this man out of my room and asked for his help getting my stuff out of his car. The bellhop was happy to help. The only thing I couldn't manage was my bike. It was lashed too tightly down and Fishy had nowhere for a bike. My former driver promised to get it to Burning Man for me and I could come by his camp later in the week and get it. I looked at him in disbelief but at this point I just wanted him gone. If I lost the bike I figured it was worth it. Most probably though he would make it to Burning Man, because he was a working photographer for them. He had an actual job to do at the burn. I told him thanks, left him with my food and water as I knew he didn't have money to get his own, and implored him to get some rest before he ended up hurting himself or someone else.

I met back up with Fishy and we got breakfast. I couldn't believe this virtual stranger had just come to my rescue. I felt like I had no adequate way to even express my thanks to her. She had literally kept me calm, kept me from getting stranded in Reno, and was going to help me get supplies and drive me to BRC. She couldn't know this, but I am quite introverted and prone to panic attacks. I don't know what would have happened to me without her. After loading up on supplies and loading up her van in tetris like fashion, we got under way. Fishy has the same dry cynical humour as I do and our ride to the gate and our subsequent wait at said gate turned out to be one of my best. I hope she enjoyed herself as much as I did. I laughed and barely noticed how long we waited. We entered the city at night fall.

Fishy was my hero that day and everyone else on eplaya as well. If it hadn't been for this forum and the wonderful people I have met I would not have even known Fishy. I also knew in the back of my head that I had this forum at my fingertips to be able to reach the burner community and ask for help if anything else crazy happened. Thank you one and all. You made my burn this year.

Stay tuned for Part Five in which fun is had, things burn, people are met, and I figure out a way to get out of BRC at the end of the week.

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