Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No sleep til...

Another death. More stress and worry. More illness. This is overwhelming. For the first time in 31 years I am voluntarily considering counseling. My history with therapy is not pretty but I think I may need it. My sleep cycle is completely ruined. My mood is low. My stress is high. It is time to ask for help.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Playing Catch-up

I've been in a funk the last month. Between unbelievable actions at work which have made me lose a lot of respect for certain individuals and a month long bout of bursitis pain in my hip I am one unhappy camper.

When I cycle downward to a depressed state because of my bipolar disorder I know what to do, how to deal. But this malaise I am feeling in regards to real life events which I have no control over...I don't know what to do with that. It is a singularly unpleasant feeling.

I have to find a way to combat the suck ass events going on right now.