Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Strike Against SOPA and Censorship

Woh- the internet is rising up to stop SOPA, PIPA and Internet Censorship. Write Congress today: via @fightfortheftr

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dangers of Holding In Your Emotions

Dangers of Holding In Your Emotions

8 Ways to Prevent Manic Episodes

8 Ways to Prevent Manic Episodes

7 Tips to Prevent Depression Relapse

7 Tips to Prevent Depression Relapse


This is the horror of depression. Logically I know I have friends I could reach out to. I don't want to. Or I can't. It is just too hard. Breathing is too hard.

I know that some of you are going through some really rough stuff yourself and could use my support. I apologise but I am all used up right now. I am tired. And I want nothing more than to be left alone. I love you but I just can't be bothered right now. I don't care about you because I don't care about anything right now. I know, harsh.

I have been used and lied to and sick and in pain...and it just needs to stop. But it's not going to because that is my life. So I am shutting off right now. I am going to be selfish and alone and self-destructive.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This says it all...

I enjoy The Bloggess so much and her musings bring me joy but this post touched me so deeply because I live it. So many of us do.